

伯洛特计划, with its year-round curriculum and emphasis on experience in new learning environments, 是对大学教育应该是什么样子的彻底反思吗. It attracted an extraordinary cohort of students and produced a remarkable generation of alumni.

凭借其非常规的全年日历, 普通的课程, 及所需的工作范畴, the 贝洛伊特 Plan put 十大菠菜台子 on the map when it launched in 1964. 尽管只持续了14年, the Plan’s legacy is still alive through the remarkable alumni who took part in it, 在学院本身, 谁将继续成为高等教育的创新者. (U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 伯洛伊特排名第一. 在2021年最具创新力学校排行榜上排名第五.)

“… 十大菠菜台子 believes that the educational process must be subject to continuing re-examination and improvement. 警觉和敏感的大学不会停滞不前. It studies the requirement of today and, necessarily, of tomorrow.”

——摘自《伯洛伊特学院教育蓝图, 这份1959年的报告为贝洛伊特计划奠定了基础.

在60年代, 当学院推出新的教育计划时, enrollment increased and 贝洛伊特 started attracting a 更多的 geographically diverse student body, 除此之外.

规划前, the majority of 贝洛伊特’s students came from Wisconsin and Illinois, 但是这个项目进行了5年, 只有37%的人来自这些州, 更多的学生来自两岸, 学生来自48个州和22个国家.

Bringing students with different backgrounds together at a residential liberal arts college was only one part of the Plan’s genius. Another was a complete reimagining of the traditional undergraduate schedule.

Instead of following a traditional four-year trajectory from first-year to senior, students enrolled in three 15-week periods and progressed through designations called Underclass, 中产阶级, 和Upperclass. 每一个都需要一定数量的学术术语, 结合校外经历, 比如工作, 出国留学, 休息时间, 或实地学期.

这个想法是为了帮助学生建立智力能力, then get them out into the world to test and expand what they were learning. 学习的过程是个性化的, with the expectation that students would tailor courses and experiences to their interests.

实习学期把学生们送出了校园,送到了世界各地. 这群贝洛伊特人在印加遗址... 实习学期把学生们送出了校园,送到了世界各地. 这群贝洛伊特人在印加遗址uins of Machu Picchu, 秘鲁, circa 1970s.所需的领域术语本身是开创性的, and its outward focus reverberates today in 贝洛伊特’s emphasis on helping students connect their liberal arts education with a fulfilling career.

Members of the ad hoc committee that devised the Field Term argued that this period of work, 服务, or research—preferably off campus and away from home—would help students shed their provincial outlooks. A brochure touted the Field Term as “an organized attempt to send students into new living and learning environments.”

Often, the Field Term opened students’ eyes to how they wanted to live their lives.

Nearly 5,500 贝洛伊特 students completed the terms in 49 states, D.C.,美国.S. 维尔京群岛,关岛和57个国家. 他们的最终报告, 很多都收藏在学院档案馆里, 用学生自己的话来描述这个项目的影响, 因为他们适应了挑战和不熟悉的角色, 经常在遥远的地方.


伯洛特计划 schedule included three periods per year, including a popular summer term. 伯洛特计划 schedule included three periods per year, including a popular summer term.

J.R. 沙利文72

“I had my life changed and profoundly deepened by the 贝洛伊特 Plan. An internship with the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre in 1971—followed immediately by an on-campus apprenticeship with the late, great 贝洛伊特 Court Theater—set me on a course in professional theatre. [I joined] the artistic and producing management of the New American Theater in Rockford, 整个20世纪80年代的夏天都在贝洛伊特节日剧院演出, 犹他莎士比亚节一直持续到21世纪初, 纽约的珍珠剧团, 现在是芝加哥爱尔兰剧院. 伯洛特计划 Field Term experience placed me in the middle of a thriving resident professional theatre staffed with brilliant mentors in every department, 从导演到设计师,从演员到技术人员. I even spent time in the administrative offices typing season ticket renewal forms (remember IBM Selectric typewriters?). 贝洛伊特 set me on my life’s path with 更多的 confidence and ambition than I had before, and both were vital if I were to have any chance at a life in the theatre.” —J.R. 沙利文72


75岁的杰西卡·莫特(Jessica Mott)自诩为“古怪的人”,一开始就在伯洛伊特工作, 嬉皮的学生,但她在伯洛伊特计划期间的经历正在改变她, leading her to a master’s degree at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and driving her to take on wide-ranging international projects with the World Bank focused on land administration and natural resource management. 国际关系专业, Mott completed three Field Terms: one teaching at a New Hampshire outdoor education camp, 另一个在波士顿附近的西班牙语夏令营, 第三个在阿雷基帕, 秘鲁, where she joined a group of 18 other 贝洛伊特ers nicknamed “El Grupo Wis.” There, she took classes at the local university—entirely in Spanish. She and her peers learned from their host families and traveled around the country. 因为该计划具有内在的灵活性, Mott stayed in 秘鲁 for another semester teaching English as a second language in a local American institute before graduating.

Barb Sheinberg 78

被伯洛伊特大学的另类课程所吸引, Barb Sheinberg 78 spent her first three trimesters on campus before setting out on a series of natural sciences Field Terms. 在海洋公园的环保营, 缅因州, she taught ecology classes to children who had never before seen a cranberry bog. She worked one summer on an organic farm on Prince Edward Island, 加拿大, 然后在橡树岭的一个实验室进行最后的实地考察, 田纳西州. 很快, Sheinberg discovered that testing the amount of chlorine required to eradicate invasive freshwater clams was not something she wanted to continue doing, 尽管她很感激这次经历. “You probably learn 更多的 when you have an experience with things that you really don’t like, 比如杀蛤!她说。. 当她回到伯洛伊特时, she majored in geology and landed her first few jobs in mineral exploration and field geology in Juneau, 阿拉斯加, 她在哪里继续生活和从事环境咨询工作.


  • The Student Army Training Corps’ unit band poses in front of the World Affairs Center. 多达1人,400 student soldiers were in residence at 贝洛伊特 when the worst of the pandemic hit campus in 1918.


  • 野生动物罗伊


  • Spring emerges on 贝洛伊特’s campus, signaling renewal after a long winter.

    A gathering place for Black students, athletes in competition, and 更多的 news in brief


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